Natural Healing


Natural Healing


Integrative Health & Spa

Phone: 708-468-8561 Email:

Address: 16646 Oak Park Avenue Tinley Park, IL 60477

Spiritual Mediumship

Carol Kwitkowski: Medium, Psychic, Reiki Master

Carol Kwitkowski is a medium, a psychic and a Reiki Master. Her spiritual journey began before age 3, following the loss of her baby brother Eddie. She started having dreams about what happens when we die.  As a young adult, in search of answers, she went to psychics and mediums to find out if there really was an afterlife. Fast-forward to age 36: she had a stroke. The type of stroke she had leaves many paralyzed, and some don’t make it through at all. She was told over and over that she was “lucky.” She felt she was forever changed and had an overwhelming sense of being connected to God. Carol knew she had more to do in this life and she felt like she was on a divine mission, but wasn’t sure what it all meant. From there she started learning as much as she could about our connection to spirit and intuition. It wasn’t long before other people’s loved ones in spirit started coming to her while in meditation. In learning to connect to the other side, she was learning the language of spirit. Carol then lost her older brother, PJ. He and her shared the last year of his life on a spiritual journey together. They were a team. With PJ’s passing, that threw her into “full speed.” She was determined to have a connection to her brothers, no matter what.  That prompted Carol to became a Reiki Master with the hope of having more experiences with her brothers. As time went on, she started connecting with loved ones for other people. Her heart and soul lies in helping people see that our loved ones are with us. Through Carol’s first-hand experiences, she has become a true believer in what she does and the messages she receives from spirit. We all have our own divine mission, and Carol’s is to help people connect with their loved ones in spirit, and for them to see the beauty of their soul.


Carol offers:

Mediumship Reading: During a session, Carol connects with the spirit world. She starts by saying a silent prayer and tuning her energy to spirit. She will describe the evidence she gets from spirit and together you will make that connection. Carol can also go direct if there is someone in particular you want to hear from. Carol has found spirit always runs the show because she feels that spirit always gives us what is needed.

30 minutes: $100

45 minutes: $135


Intuitive Reiki: Carol believes Reiki energy has its own intelligence and goes where it is needed in the body. It may be emotional, mental, or physical. During a session, Carol will also receive messages. Some of the messages include what’s going in your life present time, guidance on different areas, and issues held from childhood and on that can be released. Loved ones who have passed over may even pop in. Every session is different, and again spirit runs the show.

60 minutes: $145


Channeled Messages

Judith Monahan, Channeler and Spiritual Counselor

Judith Monahan is an internationally known channel. She began channeling messages from “The Brotherhood for Healing” in 1987 after working diligently to develop her psychic abilities. Since 1987, Judith has channeled messages and healing energy from these highly evolved souls who are dedicated to helping humanity and the planet to heal at profound levels. The mission of “The Brotherhood for Healing” is to elevate our vibration, improve the quality of our lives and access our creative portal.

What is the Source of Guidance?

There is no way to pinpoint a location from where spiritual guidance comes. There are many sources of information. The energies that Judith channels are known as “The Brotherhood for Healing.” These energies are an aspect of “The White Brotherhood” also known as “Melchezadek.” Before each channeling session, Judith prays to create a sacred place. When channeling, she seeks only the highest vibration. The information that flows through comes from a place of non-judgment and love. You will feel safe, loved, accepted and empowered throughout a channeling session.


Judith offers:

Individual Channeled Sessions with Judith: The ability to channel involves connecting and resonating with a particular energy field. It involves trust, empathy and the ability to make a strong connection. Judith Monahan has been channeling the energies of “The Brotherhood for Healing” since the 1980’s. Judith uses her skill to articulate the messages of these highly evolved souls who are dedicated to assisting us in healing old wounds, expanding our spiritual energy fields and leading a more creative life. This is a time of great change and we are all being challenged to live a life of purpose. The old paradigms no longer work and we must find new ways to respond to life’s challenges. A session with Judith and the Brotherhood for Healing expands your understanding of the reality you have created and empowers you to create a new and more expansive future. If you have questions about health, finances or relationships, a channeling session can provide insights and new levels of awareness. If you are on a spiritual journey, a channeling session will raise your vibration and clear your field. This is an interactive experience. You are encouraged to ask questions and participate in this powerful process of transformation. Messages from the Brother or healing are expansive and focus on self- empowerment. Group sessions often provide a guided meditation.

Come and experience the energy and wisdom of “the Brotherhood for Healing”.

45 minutes: $100



Akashic Records

Melissa LoBianco, Akashic Records Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher

Melissa is a Certified Akashic Records Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher. The Akashic Records are an energetic archive of our Souls’ past, present, and future possibilities. The Records offer empowerment and transformation by lending us the wisdom, guidance, and energetic support that we need in this lifetime to heal and move forward in a positive light. Melissa uses the Akashic Records to offer spiritual therapy, perspective, and guidance on issues or questions you may have regarding your life and your journey. Melissa incorporates crystal therapy in her sessions as well as in her life. She has been studying and working with crystals for 4 years and has found that the support and guidance they offer can help us understand our healing journeys, and ourselves, at a deeper level. Melissa has found that combining the guidance and perspective of the Akashic Records with Crystal Therapy and Reiki forms a bond between the self and the higher-self consciousness that helps create a lasting understanding and a great way to learn yourself and navigate your life with ease knowing you are divinely supported and loved.

Melissa believes that healing incorporates aspects of all levels of being (spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical). Melissa uses this understanding of healing in her therapies to help you understand yourself by connecting to you and your story through your Akashic Records, recognizing unconscious patterns and recreating them consciously, and using Reiki and crystal therapy to allow in a divine energy to aid and support you as you go forward with your life and your healing journey



Melissa offers:

Spiritual Therapy & Akashic Records (S.T.A.R.) Sessions: The Akashic Records are an energetic archive of the Souls’ past, present, and future possibilities. The Records offer empowerment and transformational tools to change your life by lending the wisdom, guidance, and perspective that you need in order to reset old patterns and move forward. Melissa uses the Akashic Records to offer spiritual therapy, perspective, and guidance on issues, patterns, or questions you may have regarding your life, yourself, and your journey.

45 minutes: $80

1 hour: $100


Crystal Reiki in the Akashic Records: This combination therapy includes Crystal Healing, Intuitive Guidance, and Energy Work/Reiki while aligned within the energetic Akashic Record archive of your Soul’s past, present, and future possibilities. This type of healing therapy encourages circulation of information and energy throughout the entire being of mind, body, and spirit. You will receive a crystal bundle to take home of 4-5 crystals that are specific to you and that were used during this session to continue your healing throughout your journey.

45 minutes: $100

1 hour: $120


Crystal Alchemy Sessions: Crystal Alchemy combines spiritual guidance and customized crystal healing. Learn which crystals can help promote healing at a deeper level and why, based on you and your journey. You will receive a crystal bundle to take home of 4-5 crystals that are specific to you and that were used during this session to continue your healing throughout your journey.

45 minutes: $80

60 minutes: $100



Individual Guided Meditation with Reiki Healing: Melissa take you through a guided meditation to help you clear any energy blockages in the body and mind to release stress, worry, and tension. This meditation will help you clear, center, and focus your energy to create clarity and ease. Reiki is a technique used to stimulate energy flow in the body and mind to allow healing at a mental, physical, and emotional level. This Meditation in the Akashic Records and Reiki combination will help you to reconnect and realign with yourself to allow deep healing and restoration at every level. Melissa will open the Akashic Records in the beginning of the session and incorporate crystal healing to open and strengthen your connection to your higher-self and guides. You will take home a crystal bundle of 4-5 crystals used during this session to continue your healing throughout your journey.

60 minutes: $150







Kim LoBianco, Holistic Iridologist, Certified Detoxification Specialist

The story is in your eyes. Holistic Iridology is the art and science of iris photography blended with iris mapping to easily assess where you have come from genetically, where you are now, and where you can potentially be, Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. My name is Kim LoBianco and I am a trained Holistic Iridologist with the Institute of Holistic Iridology that is taught by Dr. David J. Pesek, Ph.D. I am also a Certified Detoxification Specialist taught by Dr. Robert Morse, N.D. I write this because I became interested in detoxification first and that led me to Iridology. An interesting fact about this, for me personally, is that I wanted to study iridology and Dr. Morse did not have it available. I went to the web and found Dr. Pesek, loved his concept of health and healing and took the courses. It turns out that both men had Dr. Bernard Jensen as a mentor and teacher. Dr. Jensen is the man that brought iridology to the United States from Germany. I am amazed at the synchronicity that brings me where I am now. The irises are able to help us to decode strengths and weaknesses going back generations. We can see signs for potential degenerative conditions decades before symptoms present themselves. The iris, sclera, and the pupil are wonderful teachers if we know where to look and what questions to ask.



Kim offers:

Live Iris Reading: Holistic Iridology is the art of healing based on wellness that leads to root cause of issues from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. A 45 minute Live Iris Reading uses a state of the art Pesek Iris Camera and a computer screen where Kim will photograph your irises. Together and through your eyes, you can see the areas of elimination and detoxification to assess the conditions and levels of health. You will come away with an awareness of how subconscious patterns affect you and your ability to rescript and elevate yourself at the level of your DNA.

45 minutes: $80


Iris Analysis: This is an iridology/coaching service that comes with a standard written in-depth iris analysis and a photographed picture of the irides with the iris camera. This will tell you genetic and physical conditions and states of health on a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical level. For a 2 week follow up, we will schedule a phone call where we will discuss your self-health assessment and what your well-being goals are. We will also discuss your areas of interest in healing.

60 minute session with 30 minute follow up: $210


Lymphatic Healing: In this session, you will learn how to move your lymphatic system at the cellular level through lifestyle and dietary changes and/or herbal protocols. A follow up session will include a scheduled 30 minute phone call to answer any further questions you may have on your healing journey.

60 minute session with 30 minute follow up: $155






Reiki & Vibrational Healing

Maria Kasang, Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach

Maria graduated with a B.S. in theater from Illinois State University, and also an M.Ed. in Secondary English Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago. After she left teaching she became certified in Life Coaching from Renaissance Life Therapy and Usui Reiki.

Maria began her journey with alternative healing practices when she couldn’t find the answers she needed in traditional medicine. Being heart centered, opened her up to feeling so much anxiety that she didn’t understand. Once she discovered that she could learn to interpret those feelings and tap into the love that existed within her to heal herself, she wanted to share that revelation with everyone. Beginning with life coaching and reiki, Maria found her passion to help people manifest good health and well-being. She is still realizing her abilities with healing, recently incorporating healing from the Golden Ray. Maria is very intuitive and utilizes all and any modalities that she feels called upon to incorporate.


Maria offers

Reiki with Golden Ray: Golden Ray energy utilizes what is called the Christ Light or Unity Light. This energy can be used to heal traumas, and bring healing that allows you to find peace and love where there may have once been fear and sadness. In turn, this will allow the body to heal physically. This type of healing can bring you light that will allow you to heal far beyond the session and lift burdens that may have been keeping you from living and interacting as your best self. This type of healing allows you to become part of the healing that is beginning to occur in the world right now. As a practitioner of reiki, I was recently made aware that I was using this energy as a natural part of what I do as a healer. It has become integral in my practice as a healer so much so that I cannot, in good conscience, separate the two. In these sessions, I follow what my spirits and guides tell me you need, so that I can serve you to reach your best and highest good.

30 minutes: $70

60 minutes: $100


Psychic Mediumship: Psychic Mediumship sessions are a tool to help further healing. Whether connecting with a loved one, spirit guide, or angel, the messages received are to help you heal, validate your emotions, or to give you the peace of mind that your loved ones are with you.

45 minutes: $100


Intuitive Coaching: Intuitive coaching is healing with a different focus. In this session you will be able to come with a specific focus/intention, or we can find that intention together. Through using all of the gifts that I have, I help you to find healing, and also to find your next steps on your journey. This type of coaching can help you in any aspect of your life, and will help you find the wisdom within yourself to KNOW that the answers are within you.

45 minutes: $100

All services can be done in person or virtually.





Diane Rekar, Certified Sound Vibrational Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner

Diane has been practicing Reiki for over 15 years and is certified in Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Lemurian Light Healing. All her services offered incorporate tuning forks. She also runs our Kids Club classes that we offer at NHC.








Diane offers:

Chakra Balancing (with or without tuning forks): During Chakra Balancing, your energy centers are activated by placing attention and intention on the location of each chakra. This ancient practice leads to deep purification, transformation, and rejuvenation. The clearing of the energy can also balance one’s emotional state of mind. Tuning forks are tools used to apply specific vibrations to different parts of the body which can help release tension and stress, induce relaxation, relieve pain and inflammation, and promote emotional balance. Adding tuning forks in the session can help bring the energies back into balance.

45 minutes: $65

60 minutes: $80


Aura Cleansing (with or without tuning forks): Our auras interact constantly with the energy of others. It's not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people. Our auras can also harbor the energies of unwanted thought forms and unprocessed emotions. Any of these energies can make our energy field less balanced and can cause blockages. When our auras are blocked, we may feel tired, run down, unbalanced, depressed, anxious, "not quite ourselves," or even ill. An aura cleansing can help one feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced, and more like ourselves.

45 minutes: $65

60 minutes: $80


Chakra Balancing or Aura Cleansing for Kids (with or without tuning forks): Children are very sensitive to their environment around them. During a Chakra Balancing, their energy centers are activated by placing attention and intention on the location of each chakra. An Aura Cleansing can help them feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced.

20 minutes: $35

30 minutes: $45


Reiki: A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body all levels: physical, mental, and emotional. Reiki treats the whole person creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

45 minutes: $65

60 minutes: $80


Vibrational Reiki: Vibrational Reiki is a form of energy healing that combines Reiki and tuning forks to enhance a standard Reiki session. Using tuning forks during a Reiki session help promote a deeper healing of the physical, emotional and spiritual level.

45 minutes: $75

60 minutes: $90


Lynn Pliska, Reiki Master, Intuitive and Spiritual Coach, Past Life Regression Practitioner

Lynn is a Certified Reiki Master. Her Reiki training has been focused in the art of Usui Shoden Reiki, Sophia Reiki, and Karuna Reiki. Lynn has also been trained in and offers Past Life Regression Services and her studies have led her to become an LyF (Love Yourself First) Intuitive Spiritual Coach.

Lynn is excited to share her skills and bring to you her many years of experience so that she may help you explore parts of yourself that you would like to heal, and treat.

Being a healer is a passion of hers. Lynn has learned that just as people are unique souls, the steps that bring healing is just as unique as the person in front of her. That is why she has chosen to learn so many different modalities of Reiki, and other skills so that she may bring to your session all the tools needed spiritually to help guide you in the process.

Lynn is excited to meet you and offer her services to you on your journey, wherever that path may lead you.


Lynn Offers:

Reiki Energy Healing: This includes a balancing of the chakra system to help with many things such as PTSD, anxiety, physical, mental, and spiritual ailments which helps leave you in a more relaxed state to be able to start to comprehend and balance all your life energies.

30 min: $70

1 hour: $100


Tarot Reading: This utilizes tarot cards and intuitive guidance to help answer some of the questions that have been coming up in your person’s life. It is a guide towards future, past, and present options and happenings.

General Read (1 specific question): $75

General Read (2 specific questions): $95


Spiritual and Intuitive LyF (Love Yourself First) Coaching: This session includes talking with guides and one's self intuition to better understand the issues that someone may be struggling with in order to move forward onto one’s personal path. It can be done in an individual session, or a series of sessions to communicate and move through any difficulties one may be having.

1 hour: $75


Past Life Regression: This is where you are guided into a slight hypnosis to bring forth past lives that may hold certain answers into you are, were, and possibilities of the gifts and ailments that have been counterintuitive and productive in one's present life. It can be used to help in healing the present and understand oneself and their relations within society or with particular persons in their present lives.

2 hours: $200


Jillian Zarnowski, Karuna Reiki Master

Jillian started on her healing journey through Chinese medicine and acupuncture when she was struggling with her health. After many years of searching for answers and relief from chronic pain through many different types of doctors and medicine, she wasn’t able to find answers and get out of pain until she found Natural Healing Centers. Once Jillian was able to find physical relief and healing through acupuncture and homeopathic remedies, she incorporated reiki into her healing journey. This is when Jillian learned about the chakra system and how it relates to the physical body and our relationship with self. This newfound knowledge opened up Jillian’s journey to healing emotionally and spiritually as well through reiki. After seeing just how life-changing reiki can be in healing, Jillian became certified in Karuna Reiki to share her healing abilities with others. It has become Jillian’s passion to help others heal by providing a space full of love, acceptance, and healing.

Jillian Offers:


Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. The human body has seven major energy centers called chakras. When these energy centers are healthy and open, so are we physically, emotionally, and mentally in our relationships with ourselves and others. But when they are blocked, it can create physical and emotional imbalances which hold us back us from being our best selves. This session includes a balancing of the chakra system to help harmonize the upper and lower chakras to allow for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by channeling the universal energy and using it to re-align the chakras. Through this hands-on healing technique, the universal energy is transferred through the palms to the client to aid in relaxation and to treat the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit allowing for peace, security, and wellbeing.

30 minutes: $60

60 minutes: $85



Kaylie Kwitkowski is a certified Psychic Medium, Karuna Reiki Master Healer and artist.

Her journey with spirit began at just around 10 years old when she began to meditate, and see spirit. After suffering significant loss in her life and constantly questioning, what happens when you die? Kaylie began taking courses to understand and develop her gifts at just 16 years old.Kaylie has studied at Arthur Findlay Spiritualist College in London, England.Practiced, and is certified under world-renowned Psychic Medium/ Master Teachers Lisa Williams, and Colby Rebel. Kaylie's artistic abilities began when she was in an AP Art class for two years of highschool, where she would spend hours a day, studying the art of portraits and creating her own. It was at Arthur Findlay College where Kaylie put her two skills together and started blending her portraits and mediumistic abilities, to help the people she meets begin to heal and start their own journey with spirit.

Kaylie offers Reiki Healing, Psychic and Mediumship readings, Oracle Card Readings and Photo Portraits with Messages From a loved one, or any type of desired drawing. Any reading booked with Kaylie can also be done online, via Zoom, just request a Zoom appointment when scheduling.


Reiki with Chakra Balancing

30 Minutes - 80$

1 Hour - 128$


Psychic Reading With Oracle Cards

30 Minutes - 70$

45 Minutes - 111$


Mediumship Reading

30 Minutes - 80$

45 Minutes - 128$


Hybrid Psychic/Mediumship Reading

30 Minutes - 80$

45 Minutes - 128$



Photo Portraits


Kaylie's portraits are all done in Charcoal.The pricing of the drawing you would like could be anywhere from 125$ - 250$+. It is dependent on photo quality, size, and photo detail difficulty. Pricing is also dependent on the price of materials needed for the drawing, and hours spent on the drawing. Drawings can take anywhere from 2 - 4 weeks  from the start of the drawing, depending on size and difficulty.

Please E- mail Kaylie @ KaylieMariePsychicMedium@gmail,com to request an email consultation for the drawing and to be put on her waiting list.

 Note; Kaylie may not start the drawing the day of consultation, as it depends where your spot is on her waiting list, but Kaylie will email you when she begins your drawing, and be able to give you an estimated start and finish time frame for your drawing.


Mediumship Messages add on to drawing - + 55$

** If the drawing you are requesting is of a loved one that is crossed over, this add on allows Kaylie to connect with your loved one on the other side as she is drawing them, and give you a healing message from them when you receive the finished drawing.


Examples - *Note the reference photo for these drawings were extremely high quality. The Result of your drawing can only be as clear and detailed as the photo itself is.



Our mission at Natural Healing Centers is to encourage healing on all levels, being able to reach one’s highest potential within the sacred structure containing  body, mind and spirit.

Natural Healing Centers offers holistic or alternative forms of health care which means we treat all aspects of disease or discomfort. We treat more than just the physical symptoms. We pay attention to the emotional and spiritual issues as well. Natural Healing Centers acknowledges that the body has the best means to heal and the most knowledge about any ailments or pains we are experiencing. Our goal is to support the body and encourage healing. We offer a variety of services and are happy to assist you in finding the therapy that would be best for you.


Contact Us


Ronica Perez, MSAc, LAc

Illinois Licensed Acupuncturist


Phone: 708-468-8561





Monday-Friday: 10am-7pm

Saturday: 9am-2pm

Sunday: by appointment only


We accept insurance!!

Call us and we will check if you are qualified



16646 Oak Park Avenue

Tinley Park, IL 60477