Natural Healing


Natural Healing


Integrative Health & Spa

Phone: 708-468-8561


Address: 16646 Oak Park Avenue Tinley Park, IL 60477

Meet the Practitioners

Sara Musial, Massage Therapist

Massage and therapeutic bodywork is for everyone! Need an evening or weekend appointment? Sara is here for you. She is a clinically trained licensed massage therapist with a background in mental health counseling. She has over 9 years massage experience with the last 3 years spent studying and practicing energy work. If you are wanting to increase general well-being, decrease stress, heal from chronic pain, illness or emotional suffering schedule a session with Sara. She will use intuition to offer a nurturing session designed especially for you and use intention to create a safe space for you to let go.




Sara offers:

Sacred Journey Massage:60minutes/$100 90minutes/$145

Cranial Sacral Therapy:  60minutes/$100 90minutes/$145

Hot Stone Massage: 60minutes/$120 90minutes/$165




Monica Ruane, Aromatherapist, Reflexologist, Reiki Practitioner

Aromatherapy is defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. On a deeper level, essential oils are the "spirits" of plants, trees, flowers, seeds and resins. Essential oils are the original "medicine" of our ancestors and they heal on emotional, spiritual, mental and physical levels.  Monica connects with the spirits of the essential oils and intuitively uses them to heal others. As a certified Aromatherapist, Monica is able to create custom oil blends for her clients that promote well-being within the delicate balance of body, mind and spirit. The Plant Kingdom offers a vast array of options for situations ranging from medical conditions, to maintaining wellness, to expanding one’s intuitive and spiritual experiences.  For some, the magnitude and diversity of these options is a bit overwhelming, and they need some assistance in determining which essences are best for their needs and interests.


Monica offers:

Aromatherapy: 15min/$25 30min/$45

Reflexology: 45min/$75 60min/$90

Detox & Energize Treatment: 1st visit/$65 Follow ups/$45

Jade Stone Reflexology

AromaTouch Technique: $65





Carol Kwitkowski: Medium, Psychic, Reiki Master

Carol Kwitkowski is a medium, a psychic and a Reiki Master. Her spiritual journey began before age 3, following the loss of her baby brother Eddie. She started having dreams about what happens when we die.  As a young adult, in search of answers, she went to psychics and mediums to find out if there really was an afterlife. Fast-forward to age 36: she had a stroke. The type of stroke she had leaves many paralyzed, and some don’t make it through at all. She was told over and over that she was “lucky.” She felt she was forever changed and had an overwhelming sense of being connected to God. Carol knew she had more to do in this life and she felt like she was on a divine mission, but wasn’t sure what it all meant. From there she started learning as much as she could about our connection to spirit and intuition. It wasn’t long before other people’s loved ones in spirit started coming to her while in meditation. In learning to connect to the other side, she was learning the language of spirit. Carol then lost her older brother, PJ. He and her shared the last year of his life on a spiritual journey together. They were a team. With PJ’s passing, that threw her into “full speed.” She was determined to have a connection to her brothers, no matter what.  That prompted Carol to became a Reiki Master with the hope of having more experiences with her brothers. As time went on, she started connecting with loved ones for other people. Her heart and soul lies in helping people see that our loved ones are with us. Through Carol’s first-hand experiences, she has become a true believer in what she does and the messages she receives from spirit. We all have our own divine mission, and Carol’s is to help people connect with their loved ones in spirit, and for them to see the beauty of their soul.


Carol offers:

Mediumship Reading: 30minutes/$100 45minutes/$145

Intuitive Reiki: 30minutes/$100 45minutes/$145





Maria Kasang, Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach

Maria graduated with a B.S. in theater from Illinois State University, and also an M.Ed. in Secondary English Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago. After she left teaching she became certified in Life Coaching from Renaissance Life Therapy and Usui Reiki.

Maria began her journey with alternative healing practices when she couldn’t find the answers she needed in traditional medicine. Being heart centered, opened her up to feeling so much anxiety that she didn’t understand. Once she discovered that she could learn to interpret those feelings and tap into the love that existed within her to heal herself, she wanted to share that revelation with everyone. Beginning with life coaching and reiki, Maria found her passion to help people manifest good health and well-being. She is still realizing her abilities with healing, recently incorporating healing from the Golden Ray. Maria is very intuitive and utilizes all and any modalities that she feels called upon to incorporate.


Maria offers

Reiki with Golden Ray: 30minutes/$80 60minutes/$125

Psychic Mediumship: 30minutes/$90 60minutes/$145

Reiki With Psychic Mediumship: 75min/$160

Intuitive Coaching: 60minutes/ $125

Inclusive Healing Session: 2hrs/$225




Diane Rekar, Certified Sound Vibrational Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner

Diane has been practicing Reiki for over 15 years and is certified in Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Lemurian Light Healing. All her services offered incorporate tuning forks. Diane has experience and expertise with working with children, she has the unique ability to see the gifts in children of all ages.






Diane offers:

Chakra Balancing (with or without tuning forks): 30minutes/$100 60minutes/$125

Aura Cleansing (with or without tuning forks): 30minutes/$100 60minutes/$125

Chakra Balancing or Aura Cleansing for Kids (with or without tuning forks)

Reiki: 20minutes/$45 30minutes/$65

Vibrational Reiki: 30minutes/$100 60minutes/$125






Kaylie Marie

Meet Kaylie Marie, a certified Psychic Medium, Karuna Reiki Master Healer, and artist. Her journey with spirit began at age 10 when she started meditating and seeing spirits. After facing significant loss and wondering about life after death, Kaylie started taking courses to understand and develop her gifts at just 16 years old. Fuelled by an insatiable curiosity and a compassionate heart, Kaylie embarked on a transformative path of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. She studied at the Arthur Findlay Spiritualist College in London, England, and trained under renowned Psychic Medium/Master Teachers Lisa Williams and Colby Rebel.


Today, Kaylie stands as a beacon of light and hope for those navigating the turbulent waters of grief and uncertainty. Whether through intimate one to one mediumship readings or transformative Reiki energy healing sessions, her sessions seem to lift the burdens and grief off of your shoulders, leaving you with a sense of peace, solace, and profound connection with the spirit world.


Kaylie offers:

Mediumship Reading:  20minutes/$75  30minutes/$100  60minutes/$145

Hybrid Psychic/Mediumship Reading:  20minutes/$75   30minutes/$100 60minutes/$145

Psychic Reading With Oracle Cards: 20minutes/$75   30minutes/$100

Reiki with Psychic Mediumship: 30minutes/$100  60minutes/$145

Reiki with Chakra Balancing: 30minutes/$100  60minutes/$145

Inner Child Healing Reiki:  30minutes/$100  60minutes/$145


Photo Portraits


Kaylie's portraits are all done in Charcoal.The pricing of the drawing you would like could be anywhere from 125$ - 250$+. It is dependent on photo quality, size, and photo detail difficulty. Pricing is also dependent on the price of materials needed for the drawing, and hours spent on the drawing. Drawings can take anywhere from 2 - 4 weeks  from the start of the drawing, depending on size and difficulty.

Please E- mail Kaylie @ KaylieMariePsychicMedium@gmail,com to request an email consultation for the drawing and to be put on her waiting list.

 Note; Kaylie may not start the drawing the day of consultation, as it depends where your spot is on her waiting list, but Kaylie will email you when she begins your drawing, and be able to give you an estimated start and finish time frame for your drawing.


Mediumship Messages add on to drawing - + 55$

** If the drawing you are requesting is of a loved one that is crossed over, this add on allows Kaylie to connect with your loved one on the other side as she is drawing them, and give you a healing message from them when you receive the finished drawing.


Examples - *Note the reference photo for these drawings were extremely high quality. The Result of your drawing can only be as clear and detailed as the photo itself is.








Betty Perez Transformational Coach


Betty is a transformational coach who helps clients transform their lives by releasing old limiting patterns and beliefs and forming new ways of relating to themselves, others and the world around them.  Her clients include both women and men who have the desire to self-actualize and become all that they can be in the Lifetime.


Betty is also a Feminine Power facilitator and a Feminine Power Certified Global Leader, trained to impact and influence others to bring forward a world where humanity can thrive in peace, mutual understanding, and respect of each other and the planet itself.  She has a B.A. in Secondary Education and Sociology and a Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics, specializing in gender language. She has spent the last 4 years studying transformational theory and practice and the principles of creating through the Divine Feminine with Dr. Claire Zammit of Evolving Wisdom.  She is currently preparing to become a mentor to other transformational coaches and facilitators.




Betty offers:


Transformational Coaching:  As a trained Feminine Power transformational coach, Betty helps men and women to clarify what it is they would like to create in their lives, identify what might be in the way of reaching their goals and desires, recognize what subconscious beliefs they are holding on to, and discover how to break through the negative patterns that have been formed in order to have the lives they have always dreamed of. This is done by unlocking 3 Centers of Power:  Power Center 1 – Stepping Forward into your Greatness by breaking down your Inner Glass Ceiling; Power Center 2 – Becoming a co-creator of your life by realizing that Life is always organizing around your success; Power Center 3 – Accessing the power to magnetize support by acknowledging that ‘We cannot become ourselves by ourselves.”  We need each other to come into our greatness. All of this work is done with gentleness and tenderness with the prime focus on the clients generating the solutions to their problems and finding the answers to their questions within themselves.


Erin McGlynn


Erin is a Karuna Reiki Master. She focuses her treatments on creating a space that allows the energies of

the Archangels and the Ascended Masters to assist on all levels of healing. “Karuna” is a Sanskrit word

meaning “compassion,” and this form of healing is rooted in the idea of cultivating compassionate action

towards oneself and others. She utilizes the energies of your guides and her guides to bring awareness

to areas in the body that need to release excess energy and/or receive loving energy. She has been

practicing Karuna Reiki since 2017 and always sets the intention that her clients leave feeling more at

peace, with a remembrance of one’s true self and potential.


Erin Offers:

Reiki: 30minutes/$80   60minutes/$125

Ear Candling: 2candles/$65  4candles/$95



Laura J. Walsh   Massage Therapist  Reflexologist

Since I started my journey in massage 13 years ago, every day I become more passionate in the work.  I am in a constant state of gratitude when helping to alleviate someones discomfort and assist them in recovering mind, body, spirit balance. Seven years ago I experienced the benefits of Reflexology and became a Certified  Reflexologist.  I developed a session that combines massage and Reflexology to affect a deeper neurological and physical response in the body.  I call it Reflassage and it has become a popular choice of clients.  My body of work also includes an energetic session known as Touch Therapy and a highly relaxing hour known as the Goddess Massage.  My intention remains always to elevate my client towards promoting their own self healing and recognizing their greatest version of self.

Laura Offers:

Touch Therapy: A deeply relaxing restorative  focus on the energy centers of the body, acupressure points of the head, neck and  reflex points on the feet. The resonating sounds of a crystal pyramid complete the session.


Goddess Massage:  Invite your inner Goddess to emerge through the experience of oils, butters, weighted blanket and Hot Himalayan Salt Stones.


Reflassage: The best of two Therapies in one session. 30minutes Reflexology on the feet and 30 minutes Massage on the back.  Total bliss in one hour.


Laura Offers:

Therapeutic Massage: 60minutes/$100   90minutes/$145

Touch Therapy: A deeply relaxing restorative  focus on the energy centers of the body, acupressure points of the head, neck and  reflex points on the feet. The resonating sounds of a crystal pyramid complete the session. 60minutes/$100

Goddess Massage:  Invite your inner Goddess to emerge through the experience of oils, butters, weighted blanket and Hot Himalayan Salt Stones 60minutes/$120

Reflassage: The best of two Therapies in one session. 30minutes Reflexology on the feet and 30 minutes Massage on the back.  Total bliss in one hour. 60minutes/$120





Milena Monsalve

Milena es una curandera que usa auriculoterapia enfocando en la descodificación y la reducción de peso.

Servicios que se ofrecen:

Reiki, Auriculoterapia, la terapia de par biomagnético, y la terapia del código de emociones

Servicio energético (1 hora): $125

(30 min): $80



Contact Us


Ronica Perez, MSAc, LAc

Illinois Licensed Acupuncturist


Phone: 708-468-8561





Monday-Friday: 10am-7pm

Saturday: 9am-2pm

Sunday: by appointment only


We accept insurance!!

Call us and we will check if you are qualified



16646 Oak Park Avenue

Tinley Park, IL 60477


Natural Healing Centers offers holistic or alternative forms of health care which means we treat all aspects of disease or discomfort. We treat more than just the physical symptoms. We pay attention to the emotional and spiritual issues as well. Natural Healing Centers acknowledges that the body has the best means to heal and the most knowledge about any ailments or pains we are experiencing. Our goal is to support the body and encourage healing. We offer a variety of services and are happy to assist you in finding the therapy that would be best for you.

Our mission at Natural Healing Centers is to encourage healing on all levels, being able to reach one’s highest potential within the sacred structure containing  body, mind and spirit.